The spring real estate market 2020 is here and it’s awesome but please stay safe out there

The Spring Real Estate Market is Hot this year and Real Estate Agent Amy Roth can help
As real estate items present themselves, I hope to add some details that may be informative. The most recent topics are showings and feedback. When an agent lists your home you talk about how and when you’re going to show. There are a couple of ways agents make your home available in the multiple listing service or MLS. We have an agent only section with showing instructions. An agent is either going to take phone calls/texts and personally schedule with you or use a service. My preference is to take the calls personally due to the wide variety of challenges that come up. Most often they have to do with pets and sellers schedules.
Once your home is shown there are a couple of ways feedback is obtained. One way is a survey that will generate from the use of the lockbox. It is fairly generic and rates your property by price, condition and level of buyer interest 1-5. The survey may also be linked to an email. Depending on the level of interest there may be a text from the buyer’s agent. My preference is calling to hear if there are any concerns my seller might be able to address. I feel no matter what the information is good or bad it could be helpful.
Sellers are always excited to hear someone loved their home as much as they do. However getting useful feedback is not always easy. The agent showing may have been on a whirlwind tour with their buyers. It may take a couple of calls for them to get back to your agent with details about their visit. I am committed to giving feedback as I get it. Some agents only give feedback once a week. Either way it is an important part of the selling process.
Update: The Spring Real estate Market 2020 and Covid-19 paperwork requirements Stay Safe out there #staysafe #openhouse #realestate
Covid-19 has changed the way we do things today. Call Agent Amy Roth and we can review the new paperwork requirements for showings (732)735-0535
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Real Estate Agent Amy Roth
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices New Jersey Properties
54 Old Highway 22 – Suite 104
Clinton, NJ 08809
(732) 735-0535
#agentamyroth #realestateagent #njrealestate #realtor #springmarket
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The Spring Real Estate Market is here and Hunterdon County New Jersey is heating up.